The beautiful design of this book is striking, illustrating the healing power of art that is central to the story. It describes two days in the life of Enrico: the day before and a few days after an earthquake that destroys part of the Italian boy’s village. Enrico likes drawing, especially drawing portraits of his stubborn grandfather, who has refused the love of a woman because she wouldn’t let him joke about her belief in saints. Their conflict causes a rift in the village. The village draws many foreign tourists who come to view the relics of a saint and in the second part of the book, the villagers deal with the disaster that has struck them. The fine illustrations by Annemarie van Haeringen are presented as Enrico’s, telling a more beautiful truth than any photograph could, as Enrico learned from his late grandmother. His pictures not only communicate what he sees, but also how he feels when seeing it. Many of the illustrations are a beautiful tribute to life before the earthquake, and are Enrico’s way of dealing with trauma.