Me Rosvolat ja vaakunaväijy (’The Robbersons and the Noble Hunt’) is the fourth novel in the series telling about Vilja (‘Maisie’ in the English translations) Vainisto and her friends, the Robbersons family. The lives of Vilja and her family have changed when they find out to be the descendants of the robber-lord Elmeri Vainisto. To be able to hide from the hostile robber families, Vilja’s family has moved. However, the situation is favorable: family Vainisto is now living in the same building where the Robbersons have their second apartment. Besides school, Vilja is helping the Robbersons to figure out the coat-of-arms syllable of each robber family. It is believed that the combinations of letters contain the clues that can lead to Robber’s Handbook, hidden by Vilja’s forefather Elmeri Vainisto. This is an anarchic and humorous children’s novel telling about the importance of friendship, love and family – not forgetting adventures and robbing! The author Siri Kolu’s (b. 1972) the Robberson series has been translated into several languages.