A family of ten elephants live happy in a jungle: mummy, daddy, granny, grandpa, and six baby elephants. One day, they all decide to go visiting. But when a family is so large, many things can happen on the way. How many will get there in the end? In this book by Evelina Daciūtė (b. 1975), children not only find a fun story and exciting pictures, but they will also count to ten and back again. The illustrations by Inga Dagilė (b. 1981) are designed as puzzles, with an educational aspect provided by finding the required number of elephants in a grey field of various spots, and recognising their moods.
“Drambliai ėjo į svečius” won the main award in the category of children’s books of Lithuania’s Most beautiful Book Competition, also Diploma of Vilnius 2015 Book Art Competition.