The book consists of five stories and its main protagonist is 1st grader Jonatán Krásny: "Small as a crumb, ... but a great joker." By a few "pen-strokes", the author depicted very pleasant, serene, and even ancient world typical of symbiosis among people, animals and nature. It is supplemented with frequent themes of trees, birds, and music. The author's world is dominated by music, joy, and love. Even among the "enemies" there are good relationships (dog and cat, cat and mouse). Everything rejoices, blossoms, and everywhere is understanding and peace. In such an environment Jonatán behaves sometimes disturbingly, when he acts ironically, curiously, stubbornly, and imperiously. However, his figments are at the same time the pillar of the entire story, which carries both suspense and fantasy appropriate to young age. The book was awarded The Best Children's Book of the Summer 2014.