A tale of Flying Betty is a story describing life of a mother. It is a story of her first, forbidden love, of marital love, motherly love, and finally of love, that have the grandparents for their grandchildren. The story starts with an old woman and her magical garden, an old man Johnny, who is always on the go, and Betty, who was brought up under a lily. The old man Johnny did not hesitate to give Betty wings right away. She could fly together with him. By then Betty found the Blue. The wings may symbolise freedom, love, happiness, relationship... Due to various layers of the story, everyone may understand the book differently. And even if you read it on the surface, the story remains in you and resonates. The author offers a personal view on the life of a mother, a child, then of a teenager, and finally of a mature adult. At the same time, it is a parable of unravelling the mystery of own life. The book, which is full of symbolism and metaphors, enriches the meditative soul of adults, and it is an engaging story for children, who can go into the tale deeper. The story tells about desire and about sorrow, that comes from impossibility to make it real, about the great Blue, that is above us and inside of us, about grief and sadness from loss, about enjoyment with close people, about patience, and about uniqueness of each one of us, and of course, about love. The book was awarded The Best Children's Book of the Autumn 2016.