There is no doubt about it: the situation of our world, the earth we live on, is in need of improvement. But what exactly can we do? This is exactly where Sascha Mamczak and Martina Vogl start with their convincing reading book "Eine neue Welt". Starting with a dense situation analysis, the author duo reflects and philosophises into the future. In ten chapters that build almost perfectly on each other, they reflect on the history of humanity's development, on nature and culture, "the mystery of life", on progress and growth and also on the ecological crisis. What makes this book so valuable is its straightforward answer: the only reliable source of change lies within us, within each individual. Coherent colour illustrations and vignettes by Katrin Stangl, a harmonious layout, fine typeface design with integrated quotations and targeted use of colour make the book aesthetically pleasing. For further reflection, the rich appendix contains ten books, films, websites and organisations that are working for a new world. This title is nominated for the 2021 German Children՚s Literature Award.