Listonoš vítr

Radek Malý, one of the most respected young Czech poets, has created a moving, dreamlike book of children’s poetry about autumn. Evoking the gentle autumn breeze and the subtle dance of falling leaves, the book cannot fail to charm readers of any age. Radek Malý’s poems are both playful and somber, merry and nostalgic, and, above all, greatly touching and original. In 2012, »Listonoš vítr« won the most significant Czech literary awards in the children’s book category – »Magnesia litera« and »Zlatá stuha«. In 2013, it won the international award »White Raven«. The book charms with poignant poems about the rustle of leaves and paper, the festival of the fall forest, chestnuts, pumpkins, and the special mood of the season. Accompanied with Pavel Čech’s illustrations, occasionally quite mystical, Radek Malý succeeds in presenting the hazy autumnal atmosphere of colourful leaves, crisp air, and melancholic fogginess in a sensuous and arresting manner.