Adela, ani to neskúšaj!

The story of Adelka, who struggles with difficult life situations admirably with determination, self-confidence, and courage. As the eldest sister, she takes over responsibility not only for herself, but also for her younger brothers. The children end up in children's home, and though it is a very difficult topic, the author works with it very sensitively and adequately with regard to a young reader. The story is not told by the main protagonist Adela, but by the side narrator, who reveals the view not only on Adela's experience, but also on her personality and character, on her emotions, fear, and anxiety. The character, who appears before the reader, embodies hardness and insolence, (motivated by the fact, that life has not handled her with kid gloves), that is connected with braveness and children's optimism. Her inner sensibility is expressed on the outside through fragmentary memories of her mom, through her relationship with her siblings, and through her relationship with the children in the centre. To depict children's characters and relationships among each other requires an intimate acquaintance with the contemporary childhood, children's soul, behaviour, and their communication. The book was awarded The Best Children's Book of the Autumn 2016.