Het lammetje dat een varken is

A lamb playing in the mud? That’s not really the done thing. The sheep and the pigs all say he’s mad, but the lamb doesn’t get it. He’s a pig, isn’t he? So the farmer takes him to the vet, who uses a shaver and curling tongs to give him a new identity.
Without being either too complicated or too casual, Pim Lammers and Milja Praagman tell a happy story that could be read as a fable about transgender people — although that word is never mentioned. There’s no lecturing either: this book is an invitation to have an open conversation about being yourself, free from prejudices and assumptions. Praagman’s light drawings, her gentle creatures and her friendly colours make the subject anything but heavy.
Winner of one of the Silver Slates 2018 for the best children's books of the year.
(From http://www.letterenfonds.nl/nl/boek/1164/het-lammetje-dat-een-varken-is)