Das wahre Leben der Bauernhoftiere

With photo-realistic images Lena Zeise invites you to deal with livestock farming and food production and to question your own consumption behavior. She gives exemplary insights into conventional and ecological farms and shows livestock away from the idyllic farmhouse that is particularly popular in children՚s literature. The brief informational texts tell emphatically factual, always focussed on the young readers, about the life of farm animals. In addition to the keeping conditions, animal transports and slaughtering processes are consequently also addressed. Carefully and striving for a differentiated picture, the narrow non-fictional picture book approaches a topic that has been discussed controversially and emotionally in society and politics for many years, but has so far hardly been discussed in children՚s literature. All the more remarkable is the openness with which the topics are introduced here. This title is nominated for the 2021 German Children՚s Literature Award.