100 Kinder

At this time when we are preoccupied with the future, it is good to focus on the two billion people who are our future: the children. What do we know about them? How are they located around the globe? And what circumstances shape their everyday lives? In "100 Kinder", Christoph Drösser and Nora Coenenberg ask precisely these questions and answer them in a way that is as sophisticated as it is impressive - through a thought experiment that makes dry statistics vivid and accessible. Abstract figures about children's lives worldwide are broken down to 100 children. Of these, for example, only six live in Europe, four in North America, eight in South America, one in Australia, but 25 in Africa and 56 in Asia! Thus launched, the book combs through social, political and cultural issues, points out North-South differences, gender problems, dramatic rich-poor gaps, but also enjoyable phenomena. Drösser's easy-to-read yet moving texts are directly addressed to children and provide an explanatory synopsis. Coenenberg's drawings and infographics, but above all the illustrations that take diversity into account, offer an immediately comprehensible visual level. This title is nominated for the 2021 German Children՚s Literature Award.