
The book Irrimola is a picture book to work on happiness within the Kuku! program. Kuku! is a collection created for children over two years old to learn about their emotions, regulate them and help them to better understand the emotions of others. The collection includes several elements that have the same objective, such as picture books, murals or games to work on emotions.
The picture book created by Maite Mutuberria is based on joy. Joy is round, the whirlwind inside us. It often comes out softly, like a warm wind. Other times, on the other hand, we express it in whirlwinds of laughter and laughter.
The illustrator has played with the shape of the book to give more strength to the idea of laughter as a whirlwind. The book is shaped like a semicircle and, when opened, forms a complete circle.
Irrimola moves the concept of the picture book to another dimension, a book-object designed in a circular format and whose composition allows experimenting and playing with reading. Behind the illustrations there is a worked concept that, together with the good use of graphic resources, reinforces the different layers and ways of reading. In addition, the planning of the images takes advantage of the repetition of the geometry of the circle, recalling other references such as the planisphere or the zootropes, and turns its reading and re-reading into an always different pleasure that turns the book into an inexhaustible work of art.