Old Mother Kunks is a fantasy novel about a witch, who with the help of herbs and witchcraft heals the sick, prevents disasters and deals with the consequences. Mother Kunks doesn’t want anything from the world. Even her island cannot be found on a map. Mother Kunks can freely do how she pleases. She could live a carefree and cheerful life on her tiny island, surrounded by briar-roses and pine trees, oblivious to all the problems in the world. She could even redirect disasters and catastrophes away from her island. Yet Mother Kunks has a strong desire to help others. When she does not help those in need, she loses her inner peace. And then she could not live her life: that is the way in which Mother Kunks is connected to the rest of the world. She is resposible for the rest of the world.
Old Mother Kunks was first published in 1973. In 2004, Aino Pervik was nominated for IBBY Honor List.