The protagonist of this story is Mo the cow. Born shortly after the end of the Spanish Civil War in the Balantzategi farmhouse, she hears an inner voice constantly speaking to her. This voice has suggested that she write her memoirs in the last years of her life.
Mo has a friend, the Vache qui Rit. They both like the freedom they enjoy on the farm. Little by little they will discover what is going on around the farm, why the owners lock all the black cows in the barn some days and all the red cows in the barn other days.
This graphic novel is based on the novel “Memories of a Basque cow” that Bernardo Atxaga published in 1991 and that has been republished several times and translated into several languages. One of the main characteristics of this graphic novel are the bright and vivid colors that Suarez has chosen to tell the story. The comic is full of blue cows, pink pastures, purple skies...