Poika joka menetti muistinsa (‘The Boy Who Lost His Memory’, 2013) was awarded with the 2013 Finlandia Junior Prize. This book takes a close look at prejudices, the challenges of growing up, and a number of social and societal problems. The story is about a boy called Arto, who wakes up in a park without any memories of his past life. With the help of people with problems of their own, Arto begins the quest of finding his identity. He befriends a boy called Kimo and gets to know many people who live in difficult circumstances; the storyline and the characteristics include portrayals of beggars, drug addicts, people with mental health problems and others on the fringes of society, but the tone is understanding and educational. The budding friendship and trust between the two young protagonists gives the reader hope, and the novel tells a story which encourages us to care. Author Kreetta Onkeli (b. 1970) writes books for children as well as adults.