Móra Kiadó’s Taboo Books series was especially designed as a forum for the discussion of delicate, problematic subjects. Zsolt Pacskovszky’s novel is the first Hungarian book in the series. And since the theme is problematic subjects, the author throws all restraint to the winds. The protagonist attends vocational high school in a small Hungarian town. He has many talents and aptitudes that predestine him for success – he is a fine soccer player, he is good looking, and he is good in his chosen profession. He likes to read, though in the school environment this works against him. Yet his life is full of bitterness. Existence in the small town holds no perspective for him. His parents are divorced, and his father is an alcoholic. At school, he hooks up with bad company. He botches up his advances towards the only girl he likes. Everything seems to work against him. One day, the infinitely negative atmosphere is relieved by the appearance of a young and attractive literature teacher, who decides to seduce the boy.
The greatest problem of the protagonist is that although his body and life situation would indicate and would require maturity, he is in fact inexperienced. He is a stranger to physical as well as spiritual love, has difficulty understanding another person’s needs and intentions, and so he repeatedly finds himself in situations in which he ends up doing the opposite of what is right. This story is a gigantic exclamation point, a warning addressed to the late teen generation, an inventory of things that it is wisest to avoid, no matter what.