The book “Disconnect” is a dystopic novel that focuses on the disintegration of human senses and relations. It portrays a near future where people are no longer able to communicate with each other face to face except via notebooks – a tool and a new god of virtuality.
The almost soon to be 15 year old protagonist Gryta feels imperfect and unfit to adapt to the sterile society, devoid of feelings and the main human senses. She cannot quench her desires for jogging, kissing, old books and live meetings, all of which have now become illegal. Both her mom and teacher requests her to attend a therapy and thus move towards a new (human?) being.
One day, while jogging in a stadium, Gryta meets a guy, very much like her: he wants to get disconnected and become free like once were their ancestors. However, the virtual system has thought of a new way how to control humans. Will Gryta and Mantas be able to escape and what is the price the two will have to pay?