The Shammies series is an animated cross-media project for pre-school children about discovering the world based on children games, fantasies and word plays. The project consists of short films, web episodes and published books.
The Shammies project has received several awards in China, Latvia and USA. Films about the Shammies have been selected for 40 festivals all over the world.
The Shammies are four little curious beings – Sockie, Mitten, Pillow and Hankie – who live in a colourful textile house. They already know how to play, but many exciting things are still to be discovered and learned: how to share their toys with others, how to behave at the table and how to take a bath. Luckily the dear wise Mr Cat is always around to help.
‘The Shammies’ Morning’ is the story of the difficult jobs that the Shammies have to face every morning: how do you wake up yourself and awake the light? How do you sit down by the table if the chairs feel like galloping and twirling around? Is it better to behave like a sparrow or like a little goat?