This is a book of twenty short, carefully constructed and psychologically well-grounded stories that reveal the author’s finely-tuned sense for discovering a child’s emotional world. The inner monologues of seven-year-old Eve who has to brave her new situation following her parents’ divorce are a convincing representation of everyday childhood problems in school and at home. The tales are all formed as Eve’s imaginary conversations with a stuffed toy goat, the confidant she has created since she is emotionally deprived and needs help navigating her new circumstances. Eve’s loneliness, shown with great care between the lines, is especially important given the starring role that Eve gives to her animated toy. The goat was a gift from her father, perhaps a hint at how he perceived his former partner, and also at how Eve sees him. The toy is the only link Eve has to him; it represents her longing for his support, humour, understanding, and help. The imaginary adviser is especially crucial when Eve needs to confront her aggressive behaviour towards her school mates, helping her establish a psychological equilibrium and hinting at an optimistic resolution of her problems.