Bluma has never really done something stupid. Only one time, maybe, when she cut Nele’s hair while she was supposed to watch her. But lying and stealing? That’s something Bluma would never do. Or would she?
Getting a D in Math is not so bad. Much worse is that her best friend gets of all dogs in the world the one Bluma really wanted. Bluma is desperate, the perfect time for her mom to be on a trip. Now, only one person can help: Bluma’s favorite neighbor Alice, who always listens to her. She also has these jelly snakes that you only need to chew on long enough and your problems will be solved. However, Alice is busy and Bluma has no better idea than to steal one of the snakes. She could not have imagined in what kind of emotional mess this small theft would bring her...
Nominated for the 2018 German Children’s Literature Award