The publication Štúrovci shows the reader very difficult period for Slovak nation, often full of desperation and scepsis, i.e the times of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Ľudovít Štúr, as a leading representative of the Slovak national revival, with a group of great literates, who had a deep sense of grievance and repression, decided to fight for the rights of Slovaks. In complicated times of Magyarisation, this united group was not afraid to enforce their opinions boldly and to fight for our nation even on the highest positions, for instance, by proposing the Demands of the Slovak Nation with the hope in a better future. The book offers apart from the biographies also a selection of works written by individuals of the "Štúr's generation", that clarify the inner world of the writers, their sincere feelings, joy, but often also disappointments and sufferings resulting from current unfavourable situation. The book was awarded The Best Children's Book of the Autumn 2015.