Slavko Pregl (1945), children's author, storyteller, writer of fables, publisher and editor, by combining fable and aphorism, has gone beyond the boundaries of closed genre models and created an innovative literary type of medium length prose in which the literary characters are anthropomorphic emotional states and personified stones and benches. Pregl has changed nouns that express emotional states (e.g., secret, sorrow, cry, groan) into the personal names of the literary characters, whereby he retains the property that the word has in the dictionary meaning and this meaning thus becomes the basis of the character description. Constant sayings and phrases are often repeated in the work, which are associated with the meaning of the chosen emotional states, thus the literary characters: e.g., Boring, who is precisely bored, doesn’t want to lift the telephone receiver because he would not then be bored. Accident is never at rest because he never rests; Goodadvice never arrives in time, Accident is always ahead of him etc. Goodwill, who makes the best tea and is above all sociable, is the driving protagonist of events and his good will also influences the characters with less pleasant natures. The story about friendliness, understanding and fulfilled desires about friendship is entertaining and special because unusual literary characters appear, not to speak of the mysteriousness of Mystery. As far as possible, Jana Kocjan artistically follows the play of words with delicate, almost elusive and ethereal images and scenes by which on the one hand she provides the reader with a specific representation but, at the same time, preserves mysteriousness and interpretative openness.