An unusual story about unusual friends
This entertaining picture book by the literary critic, editor, translator and author of four children’s books, Gaja Kos, takes place somewhere in Central America, where there live a sloth and a tapir, one in the tree top and the other down below. The tapir is very sociable, and the day his new neighbour moves into his new tree top home, he invites him over. The sloth accepts the invitation, but there is something the tapir does not know about sloths: – they are really, really, really very slow… Every page offers a new surprise to the reader, interwoven with complex, humorous images, creating a story about diversity and friendship. It received the Golden Pear Award for excellence, the 2021 Levstik award for illustrations and was nominated to Desetnica award for children’s fiction. Ana Zavadlav is a well known illustrator within the younger generation. Her illustrations appear in children’s magazines on a regular basis and she has already illustrated several picture books. She illustrated the famous book The Healing of the Cricket by Toon Tellegen; the illustrations were exhibited in Bologna 2019, and the National Book Agency of Slovenia dedicated the design of the stand to those illustrations.