Léa is 16, and her sole reason for living is basketball. She shares this passion with her father, who used to be a professional player and who coaches her. She will have a great career, everyone says so. After the sudden death of her father from an aortic aneurysm, sport remains a refuge: “I don't care, I play. That's all I have left”. However, a second test awaits Léa: she has to give up basketball because she is diagnosed with the same disease as her father, the Marfan syndrome. How can she reinvent herself after that? This touching story accompanies each stage that Léa goes through. Her healthy anger, her harshness, her rejection of others are finely transcribed as are the (re) discovery of her loved ones, especially her mother, and her budding love for Anthony... The writing is anything but smooth and nicely surprises the reader with its depth.