Margaret Anne Suggs

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Margaret Anne Suggs (Ireland) – Mags – was raised in the American Deep South and her dual citizenship has given her illustrations a cheerful colour palette and a distinct femininity. Mags holds a Master’s degree in Visual Communication, and another in History of Design and Applied Arts. She serves on the Board of Directors for both Illustrators Ireland and IBBY Ireland and each year helps with the Bandes Dessinées Festival at the Alliance Française in Dublin. She also lectures part-time at Ballyfermot CFE, where she established its course on illustration. Mags’ recent awards include an Arts Council Bursary for her picture book work in The Dandelion's Tale and a residency at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre for her work on the silent/wordless book The Fall. She is the illustrator for the Pigin of Howth series with Kathleen Watkins (Gill Books) and her most recent book is Holy Shocking Saints with Sine Quinn (Veritas). Her exhibition of experimental pop-up birdhouses, Home is Where the Heart is, is showing at four venues across Ireland.

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