“Osaba Bin Floren” is an adventure novel for children. Its origin lies in the story that the writer published in parts in the weekly newspaper of a Basque newspaper.
The writer combines two worlds, the Basque farmhouse and the "Arabian nights" of Baghdad.
Uncle Florentino has fallen and received a big blow to the head. The doctor puts a big bandage on his head and tells him to rest. When he sees himself in the mirror, he feels that the bandage is a turban and so Uncle Florentino suddenly becomes Uncle Bin Floren. He will tell unbelievable stories from the East to the children around him. And, following the tradition of the East, he will link one story to another and to him another, or he will insert a story within a story, and so, as in the book "Arabian nights", we will travel from story to story through the Arabian Gulf, just as the caliphs liked to do.
This book won the Euskadi Literature Prize in 2004.