Das wahre Leben der Bauernhoftiere Language: GermanCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: The true life of farm animalsAuthor: Lena ZeiseIllustrator: Lena ZeisePublisher: Klett KinderbuchYear of publication: 2020
Es geht rund. Die Verwandlungskraft der Kreisläufe Language: GermanCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: Round and round. The transformative power of cyclesAuthor: Felicitas Horstschäfer and Johannes VogtIllustrator: Felicitas Horstschäfer and Johannes VogtPublisher: Beltz & GelbergYear of publication: 2020
Der Stein und das Meer Language: GermanCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: The rock and the seaAuthor: Alexandra HelmigIllustrator: Stefanie HarjesPublisher: MixtvisionYear of publication: 2020
189 Language: GermanCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: 189Author: Dieter BögeIllustrator: Elsa KleverPublisher: Aladin / Thienemann-EsslingerYear of publication: 2020
Vprašanje za babico Language: SlovenianCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: A Question for GrandmaAuthor: Nina Mav HrovatIllustrator: Marta BartoljPublisher: Miš Publishing HouseYear of publication: 2020
Luna in jaz Language: SlovenianCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: The Moon and MeAuthor: Andreja PeklarIllustrator: Andreja PeklarPublisher: KUD Sodobnost International Year of publication: 2019
Obisk Language: SlovenianCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: THE VISITAuthor: Gaja KosIllustrator: Ana ZavadlavPublisher: MLADINSKA KNJIGA PUBLISHING HOUSEYear of publication: 2019
Leo sabanako errege Language: BasqueCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: Leo the king of sabanAuthor: Mikel GurrutxagaIllustrator: Maite GurrutxagaPublisher: ElkarYear of publication: 2019
Hitzen iruditegia: Euskararen edertasuna irudikatuz Language: BasqueCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: Imagery of wordsAuthor: Ane ArzellusIllustrator: Ane ArzellusPublisher: DenonarteanYear of publication: 2019
Det fattas något här Language: SwedishCategory: Picture booksTitle in English: Something is missing hereAuthor: Klara PerssonIllustrator: Klara PerssonPublisher: Rabén & SjögrenYear of publication: 2019