There are strange and incomprehensible things in this world. Take the musician Frederikas Luotas, for example. The Principal Conductor asks him to perform a simple piece of music that no one has been able to play before. It turns out the piece is possessed by evil musical spirits, but it is still possible to rescue it. In order to do so, however, Frederikas will have to travel back in time – and not alone, but with his fourteen-year-old son Dovas, with whom he has lost any friendly contact long ago. Traveling more than one hundred years into the past not only benefits the possessed piece of music, but also the relationship between father and son, and especially the teenager’s own development. Once overcome by boredom and unable to find a place for himself, Dovas begins to show interest in the world and to think about things that are good, beautiful and important. In the end, he even begins to create music of his own.
Ilona Ežerinytė (b. 1964) studied Lithuanian language and literature at university and has worked for many years as a teacher. She began to write at the age of 50. Her first works were short stories and today she writes primarily for teenagers. Over four years she has published five books, several of which have received awards.