A special non-fiction comic: “Speaking – Drawing – Writing”, this is how the first of 80 pages starts of. Readers can dive into the adventure “script” and see everything that was noted and collected about it in the last 5500 years of our world. The subtitle is only a short summary of the whole reading experience “from cuneiform to emoji”.
The time travel in pictures begins with the Sumerian cuneiform, switches to Persia and Egypt, takes along Latin and Demotic, just to get into East-Asian script systems with thousands of characters afterwards. Then America, runes, syllabic scripts, artsy scripts like Klingon and Middle-earth. Each alphabet in the world seems to be pictured here with its exotic signs (including phonetics). Combined with some exaggerating illustrations to characterize culture and timeline, maps and explaining abstracts.
Konstantinov creates a graphical quaint miracle of a book – all black and white with little colorful accents in red, blue and green.